
Communicare to waive age restriction if elderly can live independently

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Communicare may waive its 65 years age restriction for elderly pensioners at RoseHaven Flats in Queen Street in Durbanville in order for them to be transferred to other facilities, provided that they are still able to take care of themselves.

Makhosi Kubheka, general manager for rental property management at Communicare, confirmed this last Friday on enquiries by TygerBurger.

“Communicare will consider the transfer of elderly tenants needing relocation to vacant units on a case-by-case basis,” he said. “Since Communicare does not own old age homes and is not registered to provide such care, elderly tenants are required to be able to live independently and must be in good standing with the organisation to qualify for transfers,” Kubheka said.

Pension grant

This came after the about 20 pensioners in Rosehaven Flats, who only receive a pension grant from South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) – were told in March they have to relocate by the end of May for the refurbishment of the flats. Some of them have rented units at the Communicare social housing facilities for 20 years or longer.

Rosehaven Flats was bought by Thyme Investments in October last year “with the intended purpose of running a retirement facility – mainly dedicated to assisted living for frail care residents with inclusive packages being offered, Stéphane Jallat, one of the trustees of Thyme Investments, said earlier at a meeting held with tenants.

These packages will include facility management, meals and full-time nursing services – a package most of these SASSA pensioners will not be able to afford.

“The tenants that cannot afford the new packages are obliged to relocate to alternative accommodation which will be suitable to their needs and take into account their personal circumstances,” Jallat said.

The pensioners – all between 70 and 85 years – were worried that they will not be able to reapply for other subsidised accommodation of Communicare due to the 65 years age restriction.

Thyme Investments has made the services of the social worker experts Famwell available to these pensioners to assist them with relocating. Thyme Investments has also in the meantime granted the tenants six month’s notice, starting from 30 April until end October, to assist them to arrange their relocation.

Jallet said tenants must by the end of May either complete an application with the required personal assessment with Famwell or submit the proof of application made directly to alternative facilities to Famwell. A follow-up meeting will be held with tenants to assess compliance with the condition at the end of May.

Thyme Investments also agreed to to renovate the vacant units first. When the time comes to renovate an occupied unit, the tenant will be assisted in moving to the nearest available and unallocated renovated unit for the remainder of the period,” Jallat said.

Did not anticipate need for relocation

Kubheka told TygerBurger Communicare did not anticipate that there would be a need for relocation because the buyer (Thyme Investments) specialises in housing for the elderly.

“We are of the opinion that their offering in this regard is superior to ours,” he said.

Communicare sold Rosehaven “because it is a social enterprise that lacks the facilities and registration to provide care for the elderly”.

“The complex, designed for the elderly, is more suitable for ownership and management by organisations specialising in such accommodations. The new owners took over existing lease agreements and obligations that Communicare had with tenants.

“However, Communicare engaged with tenants regularly about the sale and remains committed to helping tenants where we can,” according to Kubheka.

“Social housing units at Bothasig Gardens are managed by the Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) and applicants must meet all the requirements as specified by the SHRA,“ he said.

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