
UPDATE | Iran President Raisi dies in helicopter crash, govt says operations go on without 'slightest disruption'

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This frame grab from a video released by the Iranian Red Crescent on 20 May 2024 shows a screen display showing a video of the crash site of the missing helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi in East Azerbaijan province. Rescue teams in northwest Iran early Monday located the missing helicopter carrying Raisi, but no signs of life had been detected so far, state TV reported. (Handout / Iranian Red Crescent)
This frame grab from a video released by the Iranian Red Crescent on 20 May 2024 shows a screen display showing a video of the crash site of the missing helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi in East Azerbaijan province. Rescue teams in northwest Iran early Monday located the missing helicopter carrying Raisi, but no signs of life had been detected so far, state TV reported. (Handout / Iranian Red Crescent)
  • Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian died in a helicopter crash while crossing mountainous terrain in heavy fog.
  • Iran's first vice president, Mohammad Mokhber, is expected to take over the presidency temporarily as the country prepares for snap elections within 50 days as per the constitution.
  • The Iranian government assured continuity of service without disruption.

Iranian media declared President Ebrahim Raisi dead on Monday after his helicopter crashed in a mountainous northwestern region.

"The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi, had an accident while serving and performing his duty for the people of Iran and was martyred," Iran's Mehr agency said as other media outlets also reported the news.

According to Reuters, Raisi and his foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, died when their helicopter crashed as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog, an Iranian official told the news agency on Monday.

Raisi's death was later confirmed in a statement on social media by Vice President Mohsen Mansouri and on state television.

State TV reported that images from the site showed the aircraft slammed into a mountain peak, although there was no official word on the cause of the crash.

The Iranian government will continue to operate "without the slightest disruption" following the death of president Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, said a cabinet statement on Monday.

"We assure the loyal nation that the path of service will continue with the tireless spirit of Ayatollah Raisi," said the statement, stressing that the government's work will continue "without the slightest disruption".

Vice president to take the helm before snap elections

Iran's first vice president, Mohammad Mokhber, is expected to assume the presidency after Raisi's death as the country gears up for early elections.

The Iranian constitution stipulates that the first vice president take over "in the event of the president's death, dismissal, resignation, absence or illness for more than two months".

Raisi, who died on Sunday along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other officials, was nearing the end of his first four-year term as president.

Mokhber's interim appointment requires the approval of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final word in all state affairs.

Presidential elections to pick a permanent successor are to be held within 50 days, according to the constitution.

A council made up of the parliament speaker, head of the judiciary and the vice president are to be tasked with organising the national vote.

Mokhber, 68, was appointed vice president as Raisi took office in August 2021.

The vice president was born in Dezful city in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, where he held several official positions.

For years since 2007, Mokhber chaired the Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order, a governmental organisation tasked with managing properties confiscated following the 1979 Islamic revolution.

The foundation, established in the 1980s, has over the years grown to become a major state economic conglomerate with shares in various sectors.

Iranians head to the polls for presidential elections every four years since the Islamic republic's first vote in 1980.

The constitution sets a two-term limit for Iranian presidents.

The position of prime minister does not exist in Iran, and the president - assisted by several vice presidents - is responsible for appointing and directing the cabinet.

- Additional reporting by Reuters

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